New Classes, Nostalgic World

Challenge Azeroth with 21 original classes.

Challenge Azeroth with 21 original classes.

Unlock new skills and spells and explore 21 original classes crafted from the lore of Warcraft.

Unlock new skills and spells and explore 21 original classes crafted from the lore of Warcraft.

Lore Crafted

From Necromancer to Tinker, Witch Doctor to Chronomancer, each class is crafted from the Lore of Warcraft.

Conquer Azeroth

Challenge nostalgic Dungeons, Raids, and Battlegrounds, all with new classes and skills.

New classes, nostalgic world. Rediscover Azeroth and master brand new classes.

New classes, nostalgic world. Rediscover Azeroth and master brand new classes.

Rediscover Azeroth; master brand new classes.

Master new Classes

Master new Classes

Summon skeletons, plant remote bombs, call forth phoenixes, and dominate Azeroth with brand new spells and classes.

Explore 21 New Classes

Optional High Risk PvP

The ultimate Open World PvP: High Risk lets you steal a piece of gear from enemies you slay.

Nostalgic PvE

Explore Azeroth with a full PvE mode: you’re immune to combat, but can still group with other Heroes!


Play any style–PvE, PvP, or High Risk–on the same realm, meaning you can always find friends to group with. You can swap between styles at any time, and enjoy what you want, when you want.


Seasons allow Heroes to start fresh on brand new realms, learn Ascension’s custom features, and then transfer into core realms to continue their adventure.

Start your Journey

Download the Ascension Launcher on Mac or PC. We’re a free-to-play MOD, and always will be.

Join Thousands of Players

Theorycraft and build together with new friends on your Classless adventure.