Classless World of Warcraft

Build your own custom Hero, forge your epic adventure.

Build your own custom Hero, forge your epic adventure.

Mix and match spells and talents from ANY class in this incredible classless WoW MOD.

Mix and match spells and talents from ANY class in this incredible classless WoW MOD.

Build your Hero

Choose spells and skills from any class in the game.

Conquer Azeroth

Challenge Dungeons, Raids, Battlegrounds, and more.

Discover the world you love like it was your first time: classless Azeroth awaits.

Discover a familiar adventure in a brand new way: play for free on PC!

Nulla porttitor accumsan tincidunt. Praesent sapien massa, convallis a pellentesque nec, egestas non nisi.

Empower your Hero with Mystic Enchantments

Empower your Hero with Mystic Enchantments

Make any build you can dream up possible by empowering your favorite skills with new strength.

Opt-in High Risk PvP

The ultimate Open World PvP: High Risk lets you steal a piece of gear from enemies you slay.

Classic PvE

Explore Azeroth with a full PvE mode: you’re immune to combat, but can still group with other Heroes!


Play any style–PvE, PvP, or High Risk–on the same realm, meaning you can always find friends to group with. You can swap between styles at any time, and enjoy what you want, when you want.


Seasons allow Heroes to start fresh on brand new realms, learn Ascension’s custom features, and then transfer into core realms to continue their adventure.

Start your Journey

Download the Ascension Launcher on Mac or PC. We’re a free-to-play MOD, and always will be.